Technology, automaticity and rush - these words can easily describe our contemporary world. The world in which slowly we, human beings, lose values which once allowed us to live. Technological advance consumes us, the essence of present becomes virtual reality. I can see not only fauna and flora dying in todays world but ourselves as well.
So I put the viewer before choice. I slam his being into pictures of Idyll. The one we already lost. I expose images which are supposed to awaken dreams in you.
Dreams of coming back to what was before.
I present human being. Naked, innocent, vulnerable but also liberated and free. Being which in isolation from technological world enters fauna and flora space. It enters this space celebrating life and harmony which intrinsically and natually goes in there. It’s not scared to interact and connect with nature, it comes back to what’s known. Though I am asking where from do we know touch of nature on our bodies? Isn’t it only a story in our world?
The choice is yours, viewer. What do you choose?
This world doesn’t exist anymore. There are only dreams left.